In its most basic sense, “Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery” or “Oculoplastic Surgery” may be defined as any surgery that changes the form of adnexal tissues associated with the eye (from the Greek: ophthalmos, meaning eye, and plastos, meaning formed. Thus, ophthalmic plastic surgery includes repair of eyelid malpositions, eyelid and orbital reconstruction, conjunctivoplasty, cosmetic blepharoplasty , lacrimal surgery, orbitotomy procedures, and the treatment of anophthlamic socket deformities.1 Plastic surgery in a more general sense is the surgical science, art, and craft of repair, reconstruction and shaping of hard and soft tissues throughout the body.
(References: The American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and reconstructive Surgery, ed. David Reifler M.D, Norman Publishing, San Francisco, 1994.)